Half title page

This typeface feels so right for this book! I like the earthy colours and the long, elongated but slightly off-centre strokes. I assume that this font was designed especially for this book. The name sits firmly on the page, asserting its presence


This elegant page sits between the cover and the half title page, with its gorgeous border and stylised bull it would seem a shame to write a name on it!


This is the half title page that follows, it is unusual to see a black page like this with white writing (maybe due to cost?) – the author’s name in caps contrasts with the title in very wide spaced text


The design of this book has just blown me away. Even the half title page is strikingly designed, with the bee motif which appears throughout the book included. The off set capitals for A C B, and larger, bold font are intriguing, and the w in the italics is unusual. It’s also pleasing to see the inside cover design poking through


The black boxes behind the text make the white writing stand out. The tiles look like part of a game or possibly a keyboard, which seems to suit the topic of the book


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